
Pagination is the page numbers that serve to separate content for easy consumption, typically displayed at the bottom of a web page.

Usage, Best Practice, and Accessibility


To add a pagination component to your listing view, please follow the steps below.

  • Go to views (admin >> structure >> views)
  • Click “add view”
    add view screenshot
  • Enter the name of the view in the “view name” field.
    view description screenshot
  • Check the description checkbox and enter the description of your view.
  • Under the view settings section, select “content” from the “show” field dropdown list and choose the content type you want to display from “of type” dropdown list.
    view setting screenshot
  • Enable the “create a page” option and enter the “page title” and “path” of your listing page.
  • Select the display format you want from the display format drop down list.
    page setting screenshot
  • In the “items to display” field, enter the number of items to display.
    display settings screenshoot
  • Check the “use a pager” checkbox to enable pagination to your views listing page.
  • Click “save and edit” button.
    Save button screenshot
  • You will be taken to the your views list page
  • Go to the “pager” section and click “mini” link next to the “user pager” field label.
  • Select “paged output, full pager” from the list of pager types and click “apply”. You can also choose “page output, mini pager” if you want to display mini pager pagination.
    pager option screenshot
  • Click the “save” button.
Best Practice
  • Incorporate pagination when needed for sites or elements that will span multiple pages, such as:
    • News listings
    • Events listings
    • Staff listings
    • Search results
    • Carousel/sliders
    • Image galleries
  • Pagination should be placed at the bottom of your page and page length should be no more than two to three screens long.
  • Provide large clickable areas and space out the page links
  • Don’t use underlines
  • Identify the current page
  • Provide Previous and Next links
  • Use First and Last links (where applicable)
  • Put First and Last links on the outside
  • The pagination links are wrapped in a <nav> element
  • The pagination links are properly labeled.
  • It has the aria-labelledby attribute to establish relationships between the pagination wrapper and it’s label.
  • Current page is properly indicated for visual and screen reader users.
  • The icons on the pagination are hidden from screen readers.